Bedrock redirecting to servve

So i seen the composer screencast. understand for now. trying to install bedrock.
clone it from git and change the .env file. database is connected but when i go to /web/wp/wp-admin i am redirected to

now i bought the capistrano screencast,



Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 404

Apache/2.4.3 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7

My first guess is your Apache vhost configuration is the problem. Can you paste it?

Your DocumentRoot needs to be something like /path/to/bedrock/web with the new web folder in Bedrock.

You can’t just dump a Bedrock project into a subdir anymore.

so i make it run when i change the path to:


its good ? or i am still doing something wrong?

No, that’s in your .env file and it was correct before.

It looks like you’re just using the default Apache public_html virtual host. You’ll need to create your own vhost with its document root set to web folder of your Bedrock project (path, not URL). You should read up on Apache2 virtual hosts and how to create/configure them. There’s lot of resources out there (especially related to WordPress).