Local Development

Hey there,

If i want to setup Sage for a local Wordpress install, can I use MAMP?

I had some issues trying to install npm in my local themes, is that part of the problem?

What is the best process for getting Sage working in a local environment for testing?


You can. We have our own Vagrant box for Bedrock that is pretty sweet, too.

It shouldn’t be. Have you taken a look at Npm Debugging Guidelines (Failed npm install, bower install, or gulp build? Read this)?

Sorry to sound like a noob, but do I need to update any of the .json files before I run npm install after cloning the theme?

Nope, you just need to follow the steps in the README / docs

  • npm install -g gulp bower
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • gulp

Oki cool, I’ll give it a try now. Thank you!

Ack! I don’t know why, but I’m still getting the following errors after npm install…

npm ERR! Darwin 14.1.0
npm ERR! argv “node” “/usr/local/bin/npm” "install"
npm ERR! node v0.12.0
npm ERR! npm v2.6.1

npm ERR! null == true
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! http://github.com/npm/npm/issues


FYI, this is my version information:

Node: v0.12.0
NPM: 2.6.1
Gulp: [14:44:31] CLI version 3.8.11
Gulp: [14:44:31] Local version 3.8.11

I’m closing this topic now since it no longer has anything to do with local development or MAMP. Please follow the steps on Npm Debugging Guidelines (Failed npm install, bower install, or gulp build? Read this) for debugging your npm issues, and try Googling errors to see if you can get any further.

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