Roots makes its debut at WordCamp LAX 2014!

Hey Roots lovers! If you live in SoCal, come meet me and other WordPress enthusiasts at WordCamp LAX 2014 where yours truly will be giving a talk about how to incorporate Roots into your workflow. I will be speaking Saturday at 10:40am. I am very excited to promote Roots life!

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Nice but I live somewhere far far away.

Will it be recorded? And if so, something that drives me nuts about is they never pass around a mic to the people asking questions during the Q&A afterwards so that’s something to think about :wink:

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@cfx The organizers should be telling the presenters to repeat the question but it never actually happens haha

@cfx I will find out if it is being recorded. Great suggestion.

Just a reminder that tomorrow I will be speaking about Roots at WordCamp LAX 2014. Hope to you there. :smile:

Congrats on a great talk @shaimoom!

Did you guys know he did the entire presentation without slides, plus he showed what Grunt and Livereload does live. He’s a crazy sumbich!


Yeah I’ve been stalking for it but no luck yet…

Thanks @kalenjohnson! I am way late on this but I need to thank @ben and @cfx for some last minute help. You guys are the best!!!

I was scheduled to speak at WordCamp at 10:40am. Inexplicably, I went to sleep at 2am the night before and tossed and turned constantly with anxiety. Finally, I lifted my body off with a spatula at 5am stricken with panic and fear. Then, I came up with the brilliant idea of testing the install process that I planned to demo for the first time on a laptop.

Of course npm install reports a bower error that I have never seen! Noooooo! I try on my desktop - same error! The morning of my first WordCamp talk, my presentation is failing. What do I do? Early retirement?

I took a huge leap of faith. I sent a Twitter DM to @ben:

Hi Ben. I am freaking out here. I have run Roots a hundred times but of course this morning when I try it, I am getting a bower error.

My presentation is in 2 hours. Any chance you can see what I am doing wrong? My phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I would appreciate your help.

Shortly after, he texted me!

Walked me through some steps.

Still not working.

I told him I was giving up. He didn’t even respond to my fatalistic conclusion.

He said our mutual friend @cfx will be calling me!? As soon as @cfx my virtual, now semi-real friend called me, the code finally worked with some troubleshooting (per @cfx I had to delete the node_modules folder and try a clean npm install ). All this happened and resolved 5 MINUTES BEFORE I WAS GOING TO PRESENT.

This is a community of people. I love WordPress. I love Roots. I truly appreciate you all rallying behind me to spread the word. Thanks and I hope I didn’t make an ass out of myself when the video airs. Much love!


Yeahhhh buddy!!! good story :wink: