404 for wp-admin + paged posts on production

Hi !

Just made my new portfolio with Bedrock + Sage 8.5.3.

Not any issues in local (Mamp Pro), but i have 2 bugs on preproduction :

http://wp.philippebarbosa.com/wp/wp-admin and paged post : http://wp.philippebarbosa.com/articles/page/2 returns a 404.

I allready tried Flush Rewrites, and don’t have any problems on the main url (www.philippebarbosa.com/articles/page/2/)


Usefull informations :

.env :


My server config :

If you need some additionnal informations, let me know.

Thanks for your help, i’m really stuck for so much time right now !


Your WP_SITEURL is wrong

Ahah…such a stupid typo…thanks a lot !

Now that i can access the admin, i’ve found that where was the fix for my category url 404 : The ‘Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.’ from Yoast SEO was not checked on preproduction…
Please consider this thread as fixed!

Thanks a lot !