Adding Bower Files to Sage (8.0.0)

Thank you for the advice, it seems to point in the right direction as a asset-builder issue, like stated here .
I have luckily found also an Austin Pray’s hint in this post so i used:

“overrides”: {
“masonry”: {
“main”: [“./dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js”],
“dependencies”: {}

And i got at least my main javascript back to work. For what i had understand, these issues are probably caused by library’s dependencies misconfigured in package’s bower.json . Not already checked if Masonry is properly working but now it should.

Steep learning curve with these tools…

I’m having trouble adding the Materialize Bower Package following the steps above. Any ideas:

It looks like you’re not actually using Bower. Simply adding the Materialize project to your JSON configs and attempting to include it manually isn’t using Bower.

I ran $ bower install materialize --save in my theme dir and it worked instantly (although I did need to make several overrides to get SASS and fonts working correctly).