Ajaxify and Roots

Hello friends,

I’m working with the roots theme to develop a child theme and I really enjoy it so far. I’m running into an issue where I’ve had to create a base-front-page.php to give the front-page separate mark-up. At the same time I’m running ajaxify which is creating an issue where when I click internal links the new pages don’t know to call on the original base.php file to switch back to the other mark-up.

Does anyone know a way to work around this and force the change of base from page to page while running Ajaxify?

Many thanks,

@bsmithicus Hello! Have you gotten any further along with using Ajaxify and Roots? I’m interested to in using Ajax, but have yet to decide what route to take to incoporate it in my theme.

BTW Why do you do a child theme of Roots? Roots is a starter theme meant to be modified rather than used as parent. But maybe you have a good reason for taking that route?

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