Bedrock Ansible – Unable to create directory uploads

I’ve successfully got vagrant up and running through Bedrock ansible, but in my dev env I can’t upload anything, including themes and images:

Unable to create directory uploads/2015/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

In addition to that, I placed a custom theme in the web/app/themes/ directory, but it doesn’t show up, despite being a valid WP theme (index.php / style.css). Not sure if that has any relation to the above issue.

How do I solve the issue of not being able to upload anything? I’m fairly new to using ansible, I assumed it handled all things permissions related.

Are you using HHVM? If so it’s a known issue.

All permissions should be handled automatically. Only thing I can recommend going on this info is to double check the requirements and maybe re-install Vagrant + the plugins + re-create the Vagrant box.