Bedrock multisite install errors

I’m trying to achieve the following:
bedrock multisite + nginx + virtual hosts + sage
When running the installation from here:

I get these errors in terminal:

Problem 1
- Installation request for composer/installers v1.0.22 -> satisfiable by composer/installers[v1.0.22].
- composer/installers v1.0.22 requires composer-plugin-api 1.0.0 -> no matching package found.
Problem 2
- Installation request for koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer 0.2.4 -> satisfiable by koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer[0.2.4].
- koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer 0.2.4 requires composer-plugin-api 1.0.0 -> no matching package found.
Problem 3
- composer/installers v1.0.22 requires composer-plugin-api 1.0.0 -> no matching package found.
- wpackagist-plugin/log-deprecated-notices 0.3 requires composer/installers ~1.0 -> satisfiable by composer/installers[v1.0.22].
- Installation request for wpackagist-plugin/log-deprecated-notices 0.3 -> satisfiable by wpackagist-plugin/log-deprecated-notices[0.3].

Potential causes:

Read for further common problems.

Is bedrock multisite repo still active ?
Any help will be appreciated
Thanks :slight_smile:

You should probably ask gwa, that repo you link to is not a repo that the Roots team started or maintains.

With Bedrock, you would follow WP’s multisite install process: Create A Network « WordPress Codex

If you’re looking for something more automated, you can check out Trellis.

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