Bento box doesn not exist for WSL2 HyperV Vagrant

Hi, I get this error when I run vagrant up inside WSL2, but the weird thing is that the required box version is listed in the error under available versions:

The box you're attempting to add has no available version that
matches the constraints you requested. Please double-check your
settings. Also verify that if you specified version constraints,
that the provider you wish to use is available for these constraints.

Box: bento/ubuntu-20.04
Constraints: >= 202012.23.0
Available versions: 202004.27.0, 202005.12.0, 202005.21.0, 202007.17.0, 202008.16.0, 202010.14.0, 202010.21.0, 202010.24.0, 202012.21.0, 202012.23.0, 202105.25.0, 202107.07.0, 202107.08.0, 202107.28.0, 202109.07.0

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