Best way to add Namespaces in lib?

What is the method for adding a namespace in the lib folder and then instantiating it? Cannot find any documentation on this.

There’s no documentation because anything you add will be autoloaded via PSR-4. If you need to catch up on how namespaces work, this might help.

I guess I don’t know how the root\sage name spacing is working and why I can’t duplicate that with \root\data

I would like to be able to auto load from the lib folder and do things the sage way

@mephilip it’s using PSR-4 to load Classes.

If you look in composer.json you will see;

"autoload": {
  "psr-4": {
    "Roots\\Sage\\": "src/lib/Sage/"

To add a namespace and autoload those files, you could do something like this;

"autoload": {
  "psr-4": {
    "Roots\\Sage\\": "src/lib/Sage/",
    "Roots\\Example\\": "src/lib/Example/"