Bootstrap not loading correctly in Sage

Got a bit of an issues with bootstrap, or more specifically with bootstrap.js, css and less seems to work.

I know that the actual HTML is correct, if I hardcode loading bootstrap, by adding
<script src="" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3rVHjgjt7zpkNpZk+02D9phzyeVkE+jo0ieGizqPLForn" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

to base.php, the page works, and that is the same version that I have in my bower, but without it, nothing happens, the test is a modal by the way.

So what I have done so far is, I added bootstrap to bower, and also added overrides as that was suggested in a few places, so my bower file looks as follows:
"dependencies": { "bootstrap": "v4.0.0-alpha.6", "jquery": "^3.2.1" }, "overrides": { "bootstrap": { "main": [ "./scss/_variables.scss", "./scss/_mixins.scss", "./scss/_custom.scss", "./scss/_normalize.scss", "./scss/_print.scss", "./scss/_reboot.scss", "./scss/_type.scss", "./scss/_images.scss", "./scss/_code.scss", "./scss/_grid.scss", "./scss/_tables.scss", "./scss/_forms.scss", "./scss/_buttons.scss", "./scss/_transitions.scss", "./scss/_dropdown.scss", "./scss/_button-group.scss", "./scss/_input-group.scss", "./scss/_custom-forms.scss", "./scss/_nav.scss", "./scss/_navbar.scss", "./scss/_card.scss", "./scss/_breadcrumb.scss", "./scss/_pagination.scss", "./scss/_badge.scss", "./scss/_jumbotron.scss", "./scss/_alert.scss", "./scss/_progress.scss", "./scss/_media.scss", "./scss/_list-group.scss", "./scss/_responsive-embed.scss", "./scss/_close.scss", "./scss/_modal.scss", "./scss/_tooltip.scss", "./scss/_popover.scss", "./scss/_carousel.scss", "./scss/_utilities.scss", "./js/dist/alert.js", "./js/dist/button.js", "./js/dist/carousel.js", "./js/dist/collapse.js", "./js/dist/dropdown.js", "./js/dist/modal.js", "./js/dist/popover.js", "./js/dist/scrollspy.js", "./js/dist/tab.js", "./js/dist/tooltip.js", "./js/dist/util.js" ] } } }

Thinkg that woks, and think the links works.
Next, I have added it to manifest,json under ./assets in my theme

  "dependencies": {
    "main.js": {
      "files": [
      "main": true
    "main.css": {
      "files": [
      "main": true
    "customizer.js": {
      "files": [
    "jquery.js": {
      "bower": ["jquery"]
    "bootstrap.js": {
      "bower": ["bootstrap"]
  "config": {
    "devUrl": ""

So as far as I can tell, that is all I should have to do to get bootstrap into main.js. At first I thought that the system would add it to main.js, which does not seem to be the case, it puts it in a file called bootstrap.js under ./dist/scripts/bootstrap, but I can’t figure out how to tell sage to load that one, and it does not look on the webpage source as if this file is ever loaded:



So what step am I missing

Why are you trying to add Bootstrap to Sage this way? Sage already comes with Bootstrap, and all of Bootstrap’s styles and JS are included by default

OK, but for some reason modal don’t seem to work.
And I know that Modal is a bit temperamental, but second I add bootstrap as a script src it works, so I am guessing that for one reason or another, that page does not get bootstrap from wordpress.

Any ideas, even just an idea on how to test.

In what way does modal not work? What have you tried?

The answer isn’t going to be hauling out Sage’s Bootstrap inclusion and putting it back in a different way.

If you’re overriding Bootstrap’s js files w/ bower, the ordering of files is important (start w/ util.js). example.

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