Bower Font Awesome mismatch with screencast - fonts not copied

I successfully followed the “Theme Development with Gulp and Bower” screencast (Theme Development with Gulp and Bower Screencast | Roots) through to the example where you add the Font Awesome package with Bower.

When I do:

bower install --save fontawesome

It installs the Font Awesome package successfully. When I run gulp, the .scss is compiled into main.css, but the fonts are not copied from bower_components/font-awesome/fonts to dist/fonts.

The screencasts says the Font Awesome bower.json should look like:

"main": [

Looking at my Font Awesome bower.json, it only lists .less and .scss under main:

"main": [

If I add:

"main": [


"main": [

Nothing is copied. I manually put the fonts in assets/fonts, which works, but misses the point of the bower/gulp workflow.

What am I missing?


This should still work:

Thanks. That did it. I searched a ton, but didn’t come up with that thread. It would be great if Roots could update the screencast. Wasn’t sure if it was a gulp or font-awesome issue.

Sorry you ran into this — packages change all the time and I can’t control that. The screencast gets updated whenever the workflow has a major update.