BrowserSync keeps reloading infinitely upon JavaScript changes

Out of the blue this happens inconsistently whenever I run yarn start. I’ve tried dumping the .cache-loader, node modules and yarn.lock.

This is happening on more than one Sage theme BTW.

I can’t figure out what went wrong or how to fix it. It happens in Chrome and Firefox.

Isn’t this then a BrowserSync issue and a new issue should be created in BrowserSync GitHub repo?
An URL should be normalized (extra slashes removed) or at least those extra slashes ignored and not resulting in completely counterproductive behaviour, like endless refresh loops?

Same problem here now on Sage 9.0.9. Tried and checked all said in this thread. No solution. It’s unusable… anyone could help?

It also took me a loooong time and I refused to think my config was wrong but indeed it was.

Even though I used a docker image to spin up wordpress and the relative path would be sth. like "/themes/my-theme" I needed to set the public path like this instead:

"publicPath": "/wp-content/themes/my-theme",

The rest of the config (for completeness):

"devUrl": "http://localhost:84",
"proxyUrl": "http://localhost:3000",

I thought the path must be correct otherwise it wouldn’t be able to work at all but it really only happened sporadically and changing the path fixed the issue permanently to me. I think this is more or less what already has been said in this thread but tribble check your publicPath (especially when using docker)!

For new projects I shifted to Valet instead of docker and this works out of the box now :slight_smile: Hope this may help you @dangelion.


Started a new project today and as usual it happens this issue, that makes development a pain in the ass. Like always I checked all and all and all again and again and obviously publicPath is one the first thing I checked and it was always correctly set ("/wp-content/themes/my-theme"). Finally as always the only thing it seems to solve is what I wrote here:

that is

sudo rm -rf $(xcode-select -print-path)
xcode-select --install

Very very annoying!
Any other idea?

Same issues on some project sometimes. Works other times, no clue why. Tried the above solutions to no avail.

I have been having the same issue tried everything until today.
I setup and ran the project through a virtual host and had no issues at all.
You can follow these instructions
Don’t forget to update the devurl name in your config.json and .env files to the same as your servername.
Hope this helps.

2 years later the loop is killed by clear cache… Thanks!!!

you just saved my life!

I had exactly the same problem that I solved changing the pubic path to /wp-content/themes/my-theme

I’m not really sure why honestly, so if anyone knows, I’d be interested!

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Is this Sage 9.x? In this case an update was recently merged that should fix most or all issues,
is your theme Sage 9.x based and have you updated your theme?

Thanks for answering. It’s Sage 9.0.10, I just started a new project.

For me, the issue was with a caching plugin (Hummingbird). Use the caching plugin to clear your cache or simply disable it and it should resolve the infinite reloading.