Bug with built assets on Windows

Haha trying to use the Modern.ie vms and it’s terrible. Went ahead and just finally bought a windows 8.1 license. :sunglasses:

Yep, I spun up a Win7 box and got the same issue.

Well I knew 100% test coverage would come in handy one day.

I’m wrestling with trying to buy windows 8.1 from the microsoft store right now but I’ll debug shortly after. It’s probably something simple. You can noodle with: https://github.com/austinpray/asset-builder @ https://github.com/austinpray/asset-builder/blob/master/test/test.js#L318 and https://github.com/austinpray/asset-builder/blob/master/lib/buildGlobs.js

I probably just got super lazy with the cross-platform stuff. I’ll get a windows CI running.

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You can follow my progress over at: https://github.com/austinpray/asset-builder/tree/windoze

I set up windows continuous integration for the project so it is unlikely we will have windows regressions in the future.

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Alright this appears to be fixed. Everyone try:

npm install asset-builder@beta

To install the patch. Then run your gulp stuff.


Wow… that was super fast…

The fix is working for my issues (both Modernizr and jQuery). Both scripts get compiled and minified in the dist folder. Tried all 3 tasks (gulp, gulp build and gulp --production) and working on all 3.

@austin thank you for all your help.

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@slobich my pleasure!

asset-builder 1.0.1 is published so
npm install asset-builder@latest --save-dev should fix everyone right up


Tagged Sage 8.0.1 with the fix: https://github.com/roots/sage/releases/tag/8.0.1

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Wow that’s amazing response, thanks a lot Austin and Ben, much appreciated!

Hey Guys,

I am on windows 8.1 as well and have just installed the asset-builder latest version.

I am getting:

[23:47:31] Using gulpfile C:\wamp\www\nces.
[23:47:31] Starting ‘clean’…
[23:47:31] Finished ‘clean’ after 13 ms
[23:47:31] Starting ‘default’…
[23:47:31] Starting ‘wiredep’…
[23:47:31] Starting ‘jshint’…
[23:47:32] Starting ‘fonts’…
[23:47:32] Starting ‘images’…
[23:47:36] Finished ‘default’ after 4.68 s
[23:47:36] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[23:47:36] Finished ‘images’ after 3.45 s
[23:47:36] Finished ‘wiredep’ after 4.91 s
[23:47:36] Starting ‘styles’…
[23:47:36] ‘styles’ errored after 6.2 ms
[23:47:36] AssertionError: missing path
at Module.require (module.js:363:3)
at require (module.js:384:17)

Any ideas?


I just cloned Sage (8.0 and then 8.0.1) and got this error when running gulp or gulp --production.

Windows 7
Node: v0.10.20
NPM: 2.6.0
Bower: 1.3.12

Let me know if you need any more info.

$ gulp
[17:51:37] Using gulpfile c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js
[17:51:37] Starting 'clean'...
[17:51:37] Finished 'clean' after 3.18 ms
[17:51:37] Starting 'default'...
[17:51:37] Starting 'wiredep'...
[17:51:38] Starting 'jshint'...
[17:51:38] Starting 'fonts'...
[17:51:39] Starting 'images'...
[17:51:39] Finished 'default' after 1.92 s
[17:51:39] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[17:51:39] Finished 'images' after 672 ms
[17:51:39] Finished 'wiredep' after 2.07 s
[17:51:39] Starting 'styles'...
[17:51:40] 'styles' errored after 243 ms
[17:51:40] AssertionError: path must be a string
at Module.require (module.js:362:3)
at require (module.js:380:17)
at requireFn (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\gulp-load-plugins\index.js:37:14)
at Object.defineProperty.get (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\gulp-load-plugins\index.js:68:18)
at cssTasks (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:83:14)
at c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:147:28
at arrayEach (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:1317:13)
at Function.forEach (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:5958:11)
at Manifest.forEachDependency (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\lib\Manifest.js:47:5)
at Gulp.<anonymous> (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:146:12)
[17:51:40] Finished 'jshint' after 1.83 s
[17:51:40] Finished 'fonts' after 1.28 s

Don’t have a way to replicate node 0.10.20 on windows 7 right this second, could you try this out on 0.12 or latest 0.10?

Hey I have almost the same error!!

Sorry @Wilmoth77 for highjacking the thread but it looks like we have a similar issue.

[23:22:40] Using gulpfile C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master
[23:22:40] Starting ‘clean’…
[23:22:40] Finished ‘clean’ after 15 ms
[23:22:40] Starting ‘default’…
[23:22:40] Starting ‘wiredep’…
[23:22:41] Starting ‘jshint’…
[23:22:42] Starting ‘fonts’…
[23:22:43] Starting ‘images’…
[23:22:49] Finished ‘default’ after 9.3 s
[23:22:49] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[23:22:49] Finished ‘images’ after 6.54 s
[23:22:50] Finished ‘wiredep’ after 9.56 s
[23:22:50] Starting ‘styles’…
[23:22:50] ‘styles’ errored after 5.64 ms
[23:22:50] AssertionError: missing path
at Module.require (module.js:363:3)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at requireFn (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\node_mod
at Object.defineProperty.get (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage
at cssTasks (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\gulpfile.
at C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\gulpfile.js:147:28
at arrayEach (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\node_mod
at Function.forEach (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\n
at Manifest.forEachDependency (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sag
at Gulp. (C:\wamp\www\nces.com.au\wp-content\themes\sage-master\g
[23:22:50] Finished ‘jshint’ after 8.3 s
[23:22:50] Finished ‘fonts’ after 7.21 s


I updated to Node v0.12.0 and still getting basically the same error. A few of the lines are different, but I’m assuming its the same error.

$ gulp
[08:29:46] Using gulpfile c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js
[08:29:46] Starting 'clean'...
[08:29:46] Finished 'clean' after 19 ms
[08:29:46] Starting 'default'...
[08:29:46] Starting 'wiredep'...
[08:29:46] Starting 'jshint'...
[08:29:47] Starting 'fonts'...
[08:29:47] Starting 'images'...
[08:29:48] Finished 'default' after 2.45 s
[08:29:48] gulp-imagemin: Minified 0 images
[08:29:48] Finished 'images' after 874 ms
[08:29:48] Finished 'wiredep' after 2.62 s
[08:29:48] Starting 'styles'...
[08:29:49] 'styles' errored after 282 ms
[08:29:49] AssertionError: missing path
at Module.require (module.js:363:3)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at requireFn (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\gulp-load-plugins\index.js:37:14)
at Object.defineProperty.get (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\gulp-load-plugins\index.js:68:18)
at cssTasks (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:83:14)
at c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:147:28
at arrayEach (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:1317:13)
at Function.forEach (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\node_modules\lodash\index.js:5958:11)
at Manifest.forEachDependency (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\node_modules\asset-builder\lib\Manifest.js:47:5)
at Gulp.<anonymous> (c:\Dropbox\sites\testsite\wp-content\themes\sage\gulpfile.js:146:12)
[08:29:49] Finished 'jshint' after 2.3 s
[08:29:49] Finished 'fonts' after 1.61 s

I cloned the latest sage and my errors apear to be fixed!!

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Well hmm, did you do anything else differently?

I’m still getting the same error.

I just noticed I’m getting errors on my NPM install, the same as those in this thread: Npm issues with gulp branch

And upon inspection I noticed I’m missing the following from the node_modules dir:

  • gulp-pleeease
  • gulp-sass
  • imagemin-pngcrush

I tried installing them on their own (ex: npm install --save-dev gulp-pleeease) and get the same issue.

Poor Windows. We should have our own thread.

Anyways, what I did to get it going. At NPM Install I was getting tons of errors and it kept on looping. Although, my Node install met the requirements I updated to the latest latest.

I ran NPM Install again and it worked. Although, oddly it took a long time to finish.

To run bower install, and much like 7.0, I had to do it from Git Bash or it wouldn’t work.

Can you do us a favour and try this again with gulp-load-plugins version 0.8.0. Right now it’s probably installing 0.8.1.

See: https://github.com/roots/sage/blob/master/package.json#L41

You can change ^0.8.0 to just 0.8.0 and re-run npm install. We think there’s an issue with gulp-load-plugins.

I hope its ok to post this in this thread (sorry if its not). I have browser sync working EXCEPT live refresh (css js) injection appears to be not working. I am on windows 8.1 with the latest of npm sage theme and all plugins are the latest.

I still got the errors when running NPM, but the modules did install this time. I did the bower install and then ran gulp and still got the error on ‘styles’.

I’m going to try this on a clean Windows machine, I’ll let you know what I find out.