Can't deploy - not a valid repository name

I am attempting to deploy to a Kinsta staging environment which I have not done in a couple of years. I’ve followed the documentation available here:

I’ve run the deploy command:

ansible-playbook deploy.yml -e env=staging -e --limit=kinsta_staging

I am receiving a similar error as posted above:

TASK [deploy : Copy project templates] ********************************************************************************************************************
System info:
  Ansible 2.9.8; Darwin
  Trellis version (per changelog): "Validate that `letsencrypt_contact_emails` is a list"
AnsibleError: An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{{
wordpress_env_defaults | combine(vault_wordpress_env_defaults | default({}),
project.env | default({}), vault_wordpress_sites[site].env) }}'. Error was a
<class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleFilterError'>, original message: |combine
expects dictionaries, got AnsibleUndefined
failed: [kinsta_staging] (item={u'dest': u'.env', u'src': u'roles/deploy/templates/env.j2', u'name': u'.env config', u'mode': u'0600'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"dest": ".env", "mode": "0600", "name": ".env config", "src": "roles/deploy/templates/env.j2"}}

I added my email address to mail.yml and added this to main.yml:

  - "{{ mail_admin }}" # defined in groups_vars/all/mail.yml

I’m having trouble tracking down what is causing this error. Anyone run into this?

Also, found this and made sure that I am using the correct staging URL that Kinsta provides:

Lastly, I should probably mention that I am able to SSH into the Kinsta staging env.