Compiler hacking: bud multi compiler configuration

People have asked how to configure bud to only use certain postcss plugins in certain environments and I thought it had value as a stand-alone post.

 * Multi-compiler example
 * This config absolutely must be async as `bud.make` is an
 * async method. You will get errors if you do not heed this.
module.exports = async (bud) => {
	 * Important if child compilations ouput 
	 * to subdirectories of whatever this outer
	 * compiler is. 

	 * Each compiler is a brand new instance of
	 * Bud. Any modification to the parent thus far
	 * will not have an effect.
     * In a future bud release it's possible the
     * top-level compiler config will apply to children.
	await bud.make('app-a', async (config) => {
			 * Set a unique output directory
			 * so compilers don't overwrite one another.
			.setPath('dist', 'public/app/js')

			 * Continue configuring as usual.
			.entry('app', 'scripts/app.js');

	 * This also means all extensions are applied to every
	 * compiler in advance. In this compiler we'll unset
	 * `postcss-preset-env` so it isn't used in the compilation.
	 * Tooling modifications like this one are the only reason you
	 * should ever use this mode. There are trade-offs to this
	 * approach -- the biggest of them is that each compiler 
	 * is unaware of the other ones and you end up with more 
	 * code than you would have otherwise.
	await bud.make('app-b', async (config) => {
			.setPath('dist', 'public/app/css')
			.entry('app', 'styles/app.css')


	 * You can use as many as you like. 
	 * They are processed in parallel.
	await bud.make('app-c', async (config) => {})

I would consider this to be an experimental feature but for a small change like this it does the trick.

For Sage users: Acorn will support this without needing to do a lot of heavy lifting with

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