CSS is missing when viewing


I just installed a fresh version of Sage;

composer create-project roots/sage theme-name dev-main

I changed the proxy origin and public path to reflect my theme name, nothing unusual.

Whenever I visit, the page won’t refresh anymore when I add some HTML. Also there is no styling whatsoever. When I visit my proxy origin, the styling (Tailwind) is visible after refreshing the page.

Am I missing something? My previous project used bud 5.8.7, everything worked as I expected. Now when I use the newest version I run into this problem.

Here are my configs;


// @ts-check

 * Build configuration
 * @see {@link https://bud.js.org/guides/getting-started/configure}
 * @param {import('@roots/bud').Bud} app
export default async (app) => {
     * Application entrypoints
      app: ["@scripts/app", "@styles/app"],
      editor: ["@scripts/editor", "@styles/editor"],

     * Directory contents to be included in the compilation

     * Matched files trigger a page reload when modified
    .watch(["resources/views/**/*", "app/**/*"])

     * Proxy origin (`WP_HOME`)

     * Development origin

     * URI of the `public` directory


  "name": "sage",
  "private": true,
  "browserslist": [
    "extends @roots/browserslist-config/current"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=16.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "bud dev",
    "build": "bud build",
    "translate": "yarn translate:pot && yarn translate:update",
    "translate:pot": "wp i18n make-pot . ./resources/lang/sage.pot --include=\"app,resources\"",
    "translate:update": "for filename in ./resources/lang/*.po; do msgmerge -U $filename ./resources/lang/sage.pot; done; rm -f ./resources/lang/*.po~",
    "translate:compile": "yarn translate:mo && yarn translate:js",
    "translate:js": "wp i18n make-json ./resources/lang --pretty-print",
    "translate:mo": "wp i18n make-mo ./resources/lang ./resources/lang"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@roots/bud": "6.3.1",
    "@roots/bud-tailwindcss": "6.3.1",
    "@roots/sage": "6.3.1"

mode        development  hash     107775e98a3e20f88539  
@roots/bud  6.3.1        webpack  5.73.0                
node        18.5.0                                      

Oke this fix seems to work; Bud 6.3.0 issues with 404s