Deploying WordPress with Capistrano screencast

Is everything working now?

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Yes, finally! Just when I was at the very brink, my laptop decided to co-operate! I have even moved to mariadb for testing and because this little laptop canā€™t handle running a vbox alongside phpstorm (I have already reduced its max ram usage to under 300mb) I am using brewstack. It will have to do for now!
I am managing all my database with SequelPro, goodbye phpmyadmin forever!

I will keep you posted on any issues if I run into them!


Thanks for the awesome screencast! When deploying a site that uses composer to manage wordpress and plugins, would there be any issues adding the vendor dir to the linked dirs?

Thatā€™s a common question and the best discussion Iā€™ve had about this is on my npm Capistrano gem (same concept applies):

I am probably out of place stating this here, but i think the screencast needs to be updated as on current Macā€™s OSX the new System Integrity Protection prevents you from installing gems called/that are rootless.

You get the error message

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM)

so to install Bundle one has to:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin GEM_NAME_HERE

which then throws up all sorts of issues when trying to run bundle commands such as

Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory

so at this point in time i am stuck about 11 minutes into the screencast!!

Iā€™ll have to go back and watch the screencast again to see how I talk about installing gems, but yeah sudo shouldnā€™t be used here. The way around it is to just use bundle without it.

See for instructions on using rbenv to install Ruby. Itā€™s more work but guarantees no issues with sudo or permissions.

edit: ignore the rest about Rails. Just the part about rbenv + bundler itself.


I just bought your screencast but itā€™s ā€¦ empty !

Can you help ?



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This screencast is now available for free on our YouTube channel :slight_smile:

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