ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on roots-example-project.test

Hi there, I’m new to Trellis, Bedrock and Sage and I’ve been trying to get roots-example-project.test working as a way to check out the stack. I’ve gone through installing the dependencies, pulling the project from Github, creating ssh keys and setting up a working VM by following the instructions in the project’s README.

Everything looks good, but when I try to test the install by navigating to roots-example-project.test, I get:

**roots-example-project.test**  refused to connect.


I tried ssh’ing into the Vagrant virtual machine, where I can see that nginx is not running, nor is it available within the VM. I am deadly certain that I have nginx installed globally on my machine, and that the nginx config files are included in the project’s trellis directory. I’m not getting any errors in the console or on the terminal

Any idea what could be going on here? I assume trellis should be spinning up this nginx server within the virtual machine but I guess that isn’t the case? not sure what’s going on, any troubleshooting pointers would be appreciated

I’m doing this on:

macOS Mojave
Chrome 88

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