Error on Generate strong unique Diffie-Hellman group

Hello, I get this error when attempting to provision my development environment.

TASK [nginx : Generate strong unique Diffie-Hellman group.] ********************
System info:
  Ansible; Vagrant 2.0.2; Darwin
  Trellis at "Add support for includes.d on all sites"
The conditional check 'sites_use_ssl' failed. The error was: error while
evaluating conditional (sites_use_ssl): 'sites_use_ssl' is undefined

The error appears to have been in
line 19, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- name: Generate strong unique Diffie-Hellman group.
  ^ here

fatal: [default]: FAILED! => {}

This was added with Add Nginx to drop requests for unknown hosts by fullyint · Pull Request #888 · roots/trellis · GitHub

Did you update Trellis and miss some things?

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It’s a fresh Trellis install. I tried with self-signed, letsencrypt and with SSL off. The error appears either way.

As implied by @ben, could you double-check that your group_vars/all/helpers.yml has the sites_use_ssl variable definition?

Sometimes people clone or update Trellis, then copy in their existing group_vars files, not realizing the copying effectively removes vars that were new in group_vars.

Some related discussion…

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Indeed, that was the issue. Thanks!

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I have a similar question but not identical.
Not sure if it’s best to post here or to start a new thread.

I have a problem with ‘dict object’

The conditional check ‘sites_use_ssl’ failed. The error was: error while
evaluating conditional (sites_use_ssl): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘ssl’
The error appears to have been in
‘/Users/axyz/sites/’: line 19,
column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:

  • name: Generate strong unique Diffie-Hellman group.
    ^ here
    fatal: []: FAILED! => {}

Have you got a clue?


What have you tried so far? Have you tried @fullyint’s advice:

The problem was in
I just rewrote the lines and the Diffie_Hellman problem went away.

And directly ran into this:
Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains:

Your server needs to be publicly accessible on the domain you’re attempting to generate a certificate for in order for Let’s Encrypt to generate a certificate.

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To add on to @alwaysblank’s answer, you can provision a server with SSL set to false and then repoint DNS, and reprovision with SSL set to true after propagation completes. This is completely safe and it’s how I tend to launch sites. The world sees a non-SSL version of the site for about 10 minutes while DNS and provisioning catch up.

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Thanks both
Sounds like the way to go.