Fastcgi seems to be caching error pages

Hello all,

I have had a site go down a few times and setup uptime checks for it thinking that it would help me know when it was down so I could do a redeploy or server setup run which seemed to fix.

It happened again this morning but my uptime checker was saying the site was fine. In chrome the site was giving a 502 but it was working on FF and other computers and phones.

I closed up/quit chrome and reopened and the site worked so this was a local caching issue.

I did some digging and found the below at: caching - Nginx proxy_cache caches 502 errors - Stack Overflow

Is the default Trellis settings for all pages to be cached including error pages? Can someone help with the commands to stop the caching of 502 errors?


I managed to figure this out myself. Nginx really does cache the knowledge that the upstream server is inaccessible.

To fix this I changed my cache config from  `proxy_cache_valid any 5m;`  to  `proxy_cache_valid 5m;`  Removing  `any`  implies you only want to cache 200, 301, and 302 responses.

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answered Mar 11 '15 at 19:41
* The same applies to all  `*_cache_valid`  directives, including  `uwsgi_cache_valid`  for  `uwsgi_cache` , and  `fastcgi_cache_valid`  for  `fastcgi_cache` . Just clarifying this somewhat already-obvious point for ease of discovery via web searches. – [davidjb]( [Mar 16 '15 at 2:41](

It looks like Trellis already does what those answers say:

fastcgi_cache_valid {{ item.value.cache.duration | default(nginx_cache_duration) }};
nginx_cache_duration: 30s

That’s the default value so we aren’t using any. And the docs say:

If only caching time is specified
fastcgi_cache_valid 5m;
then only 200, 301, and 302 responses are cached.

Thanks Scott… I found those settings and I have not changed them so I have no idea what could be causing this.

Any idea what else could cause this? A co-worker first told me about it, I tried on my default browser and also received a 502 and then opened up FF, which I rarely use, and it loaded fine.

I will check out the headers on the working and not working browsers next time this happens and hopefully it will give a clue.


Ok this happened again and I checked the headers showed that caching was not the issue. I have no idea what this could be and will check the logs.


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Re-deploying solves the issue if that helps anyone come up with any ideas of what could be causing this.


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