Finally deployed, to have it go to blank page?

According to my terminal, I’ve deployed with no errors:

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
[MY_IP_HERE]              : ok=28   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0
localhost                 : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

And provisioned with no errors:

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************
[MY_IP_HERE]              : ok=120  changed=28   unreachable=0    failed=0
localhost                 : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

However, when checking the deployed site in the browser, its redirecting to /wp/wp-admin/install.php and displaying a blank screen.

This is the first deployment I’ve done, and the local install is NOT fresh.

Can’t find anything like this problem online. Anyone have any insight?

Have you checked the PHP error logs on your server? They’re in /srv/www/sitename.tld/logs.

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Can you get to /wp-admin/?

No, redirects back to install.php

Who is your host? You mention your deploy before your provision --which order did you perform these in? Did you import a database of any kind, or are you planning to run the setup on production once you can see it properly?

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Does this note from deploy docs apply?

Trellis does not automatically install WordPress on remote servers. It’s normal and expected to see the WordPress install screen the first time you deploy. It’s up to you to either import an existing database or install a fresh site.

As @MWDelaney suggested, on the first deploy only, you’ll need to run the install or import your DB. wp-cli is convenient for DB import. There are many discourse threads with various options for related DB syncing.

A regular WP install would show install page, but I think when multisite is enabled it could show blank screen till you import a DB. Multisite docs:

After provisioning your remote server and deploying your sites, you’ll need to install WordPress as a final step in your staging and production environments. SSH into your server…

My host is DigitalOcean. Just a blank Ubuntu 16.04 setup. Provisioned first, then deployed. No db imports were performed. I was going to use wp-sync-db after successful deployment.

As I think you’re pointing out, to use a plugin to sync the DB, you’ll need WP installed so you can access wp-admin. I think you could run the wp core multisite-install ... command (mentioned in multisite docs linked above) just to get a DB created (WP installed) so you can access wp-admin, then activate your sync plugin to perform the DB import.

Right, the only issue is this isn’t a multisite installation. Which is why I was concerned seeing the blank screen.

I could use wp-cli to push the database anyways, but considering the screen was blank, I assumed the deployment wasn’t successful for some reason. Think I should try anyways?

It definitely shouldn’t be showing a blank page instead of the install, but it’s worth a shot importing the db and seeing if it kicks things into gear.

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