Foundation 6 and sage

Thanks for the heads up. I’m looking at the “How to Upgrade”.

I changed the bower file to make sure it downloads the 6.1.2 version and not the 6.2 until it’s ready.

I just upgraded my repo for foundation for sites 6.2.

Note that we don’t really need to use babel for now as the dist version of foundation.js still has ES5 code.


I just updated my repo with a couple of commits. Go check it out:



I added Sass Settings in the mix. Enjoy ! Check the repo.

I just renamed my repo to : Foundation for Sage

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Hi Frederic,

Keep up the good work, it is greatly appreciated!

Thanks @fredricpfisterer. Doing God’s work, man.

Going to try this out this week and report back.

I am curious to know if you have maintained this up to Foundation 6.3? I am very excited about the idea~! Thanks~!


Hey there.

Sorry for the late reply. I updated foundation to 6.3.1 and upgraded the nodejs packages.


link to GitHub

Hello @fredericpfisterer, thanks for all your work. I’ve just copied your repo and after npm install and bower install, when I run gulp i get:

[14:13:24] Starting ‘styles’…
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: util/util.
Parent style sheet: P:/sage-foundation/assets/styles/settings/_settings.scss
on line 44 of assets/styles/settings/_settings.scss
@import ‘util/util’;
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: assets\styles\settings_settings.scss
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: util/util.
Parent style sheet: P:/sage-foundation/assets/styles/settings/_settings.scss
on line 44 of assets/styles/settings/_settings.scss
@import ‘util/util’;
at options.error (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:291:26)

Seems like it’s unable to import utils from bower dependency. I’ve tried to change the path to bower_components dir, but after I did that, the source map generator threw out these errors:

[14:06:36] Starting ‘styles’…
throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ’ + JSON.stringify({
Error: Invalid mapping: {“generated”:{“line”:496,“column”:6},“source”:“…/bower_components/foundation-sites/scss/util/_mixins.scss”,“original”:{“line”:146,“column”:-7},“name”:null}
at SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping [as _validateMapping] (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\source-map\lib\source-map-generator.js:277:13)
at SourceMapGenerator_addMapping [as addMapping] (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\source-map\lib\source-map-generator.js:101:12)
at P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\concat-with-sourcemaps\index.js:60:28
at Array.forEach (native)
at SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping [as eachMapping] (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\source-map\lib\source-map-consumer.js:155:14)
at Concat.add (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\concat-with-sourcemaps\index.js:58:18)
at DestroyableTransform.bufferContents [as _transform] (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\gulp-concat\index.js:68:12)
at DestroyableTransform.Transform._read (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\readable-stream\lib_stream_transform.js:159:10)
at DestroyableTransform.Transform._write (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\readable-stream\lib_stream_transform.js:147:83)
at doWrite (P:\sage-foundation\node_modules\readable-stream\lib_stream_writable.js:338:64)

Hey there. It’s fixed.

Hope this isn’t a silly question but after installing the sage/foundations theme and everything is running well I added an orbit slider and noticed the foundations js isn’t being called? Is there extra steps I need to do other then the Sage setup to get it running? Set dependences or anything? Thanks!

I updated foundation to 6.4.1. cheers.

link to GitHub

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Thank you for all of your work on this! Once I get more familiar I’ll be happy to help you maintain.

Hi @fredericpfisterer, thanks a lot for your work on this repo. I’m working with it in a woocommerce site trying Foundation instead of Bootstrap for the first time. I’m just too used to Bootstrap but definitely getting confortable with Foundation.

I’m seeing a few new updates with XY Grid in 6.4.2 version and a few fixes in 6.4.3.

I’ve updated bower.json and _settings.scss locally and seems to work fine.

Thanks again for this repo.