Https browsersync with Sage 10?

Hey, has anyone got https working locally with Sage 10? Might be something simple I’m missing?..

I’ve updated webpack.mix.js browsersync proxy:


https://mydomain.local/ works ok

But hot reloading / running yarn start - https://localhost:3000/ doesn’t work at all - seems browsersync isn’t proxying with ssl?

Any help much appreciated!

use .browserSync('https://mydomain.local') - ill probably add https:// to the config by default.

cheers @Log1x - even if it has http:// in there will provide a pretty good hint, thanks for the super quick reply!

Browsersync can be configured to either accept a custom cert (self-signed certs using a custom CA), or skip cert checks completely, this may be helpful:

Working config with valid browserSync ssl/certs as @strarsis suggested.

Assuming you’re using Sage10 + Valet for local dev - update your browserSync config in webpack.mix.js to something like this:

// webpack.mix.js

+ const domain = 'sage.test';

- .browserSync('sage.test');
+ .browserSync({
+    proxy: `https://${domain}`,
+    host: domain,
+    open: 'external',
+    https: {
+      key:  `${process.env.HOME}/.config/valet/Certificates/${domain}.key`,
+      cert: `${process.env.HOME}/.config/valet/Certificates/${domain}.crt`,
+    },
+  })

Hope it helps someone!

I’ve had to tweak this for Bud in Sage v10.0.0. Hopefully helpful to anyone looking to enable SSL in dev with Valet or customise their browserSync config:

// bud.confg.ts
const browserSync = require('browser-sync-webpack-plugin');
const domain = 'example.test';


 * Target URL to be proxied by the dev server.
 * This is your local dev server.
// .proxy(`https://${domain}`)
  name: 'browser-sync-webpack-plugin',
  make: () => new browserSync({
    proxy: `https://${domain}`,
    host: domain,
    open: 'external',
    https: {
      key:  `${process.env.HOME}/.config/valet/Certificates/${domain}.key`,
      cert: `${process.env.HOME}/.config/valet/Certificates/${domain}.crt`,

 * Development URL
// .serve(`https://${domain}:3000`);

The only weird thing is it starts up on port 3001 as though it’s running another instance of browserSync? If anyone (@kellymears :wink: ) has a better way to achieve this it’d be very much appreciated!