I think image minification and fonts gulp tasks should be gone

I agree totally. I have used php to compile and minify before this and never had to deal with so much waiting. And sage takes up more space then the entire wordpress site. It feels like towing a bicycle with a tractor. I would suppose there is a way to slim down the processing and dependencies but have not had the time to look into it.

ā€¦except .svgā€™s and .mp4ā€™sā€¦ so how the hell do you reference those from the css? (not a rhetorical question, I desperately need to know)!

svgā€™s shouldnā€™t be ignored, at least not in the latest versions of Sage.

For mp4ā€™s, yes itā€™s true thatā€™s not handled by the gulpfile/asset builder. However, why couldnā€™t you reference the video directly from the assets directory?

At the moment the types of files to pass arenā€™t editable via manifest.json, so best option would be to reference the file outside of dist

I just wasnā€™t sure if doing ../../assets/foo/bar.biz was ā€œbest practiceā€. Iā€™m introducing my team to Sage and itā€™s a little wonky to say "use ../foo/bar.biz for everything, except not these things, if you know what I mean :blush:

Not sure why my SVGā€™s arenā€™t appearing in dist/images, Iā€™m using the latest Sageā€¦ My gulpfile is the same as the one in the main branch of the repoā€¦ must be aliens.

UPDATE: SVG gulp process working now, must have been a bug with the SVG file I was testing with. Cheers.

Sure, I can appreciate that. Video is a rather edge case though, so it wasnā€™t really thought of to put it into the asset builder. Especially since the node modules that are installed already equal quite a hefty download with all the image optimization modules.

You could potentially duplicate the ā€œfontsā€ task in the gulp file and have it copy a video folder. That would allow you to keep the same workflow as the rest of the assets.

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You rock, I owe you a beverage of your choice. Thanks for taking the time to respond! :slight_smile: