I'm getting a "exports file is invalid" error

Whenever I type “vagrant up”, I get the following error"

NFS is reporting that your exports file is invalid. Vagrant does
this check before making any changes to the file. Please correct
the issues below and execute "vagrant reload":

exports:6: path contains non-directory or non-existent components: /Users/adamrasheed/Desktop/wproots.com/site
exports:6: no usable directories in export entry
exports:6: using fallback (marked offline): /
exports:6: /Users/adamrasheed/Desktop/wproots.com/site conflicts with existing export /Users
exports:7: path contains non-directory or non-existent components: /Users/adamrasheed/Desktop/wproots.com/trellis
exports:7: no usable directories in export entry
exports:7: using fallback (marked offline): /
exports:7: /Users/adamrasheed/Desktop/wproots.com/trellis conflicts with existing export /Users

How do I fix this?

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sudo rm /etc/exports
sudo touch /etc/exports
vagrant up

works for me on OS X.

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Now it’s saying :

`playbook` does not exist on the guest: /home/vagrant/trellis/dev.yml`

NFS is involved with the directories Vagrant syncs from your primary machine into the VM. The “exports” you’ve deleted will need to be replaced/renewed in order for the sync dirs to work, e.g., in order for the VM to have the /home/vagrant/trellis/ dir (a synced dir).

You can refresh the sync dirs by reloading the VM: vagrant reload

Given that you are working to get your first successful VM, you may have some provisioning steps that still need to complete. So, add the --provision flag:
vagrant reload --provision