Iptables unblacklist


I have used this tool to check for a couple of ports I use in a side nodejs app, but the ferm.j2 rules blacklisted it and now all connections to these ports are refused.

The default open ports are here: https://github.com/roots/trellis/blob/master/group_vars/all/security.yml

You can add to this list to open up additional ones.

See the README at https://github.com/roots/trellis/tree/master/roles/ferm for documentation details.

So we can’t do this anymore in ferm.conf.j2?

proto tcp dport (3333) ACCEPT;
proto udp dport (3333) ACCEPT;
proto tcp dport (3444) ACCEPT;
proto udp dport (3444) ACCEPT;
proto tcp dport (7771) ACCEPT;
proto udp dport (7771) ACCEPT;
proto tcp dport (7772) ACCEPT;
proto udp dport (7772) ACCEPT;

Well you should customize via ferm_input_list:

  - type: dport_accept
    dport: [http, https]
    filename: nginx_accept
  - type: dport_accept
    dport: [ssh]
    saddr: "{{ ip_whitelist }}"
  - type: dport_limit
    dport: [ssh]
    seconds: 300
    hits: 20
  - type: dport_accept
    dport: [3333, 3444, 7771, 7772]
    protocol: tcp
  - type: dport_accept
    dport: [3333, 3444, 7771, 7772]
    protocol: udp
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