Thank you for the quick answer @Foxaii, so I should listen my feeling when I was finding the term “destroy” a bit exaggerated to shutdown the VM. I misunderstood the use of the command after seeing it a lot in troubleshooting posts. I know now I must use “halt”.
Luckily, most of my html is saved because I write it in Sublime.
I was looking for WP-CLI and Sequel Pro solutions yesterday to simply Dump the DB but I would prefer to automated the process that’s why I came back to the plugin WDB.
But yes I agree with @darjanpanic that it could be a great feature to easily create a DB dump in a accessible place that are easy to sync.
But you @Foxaii, how do you proceed to backup your DB?
And a last question, I remember to reading about that is not a good idea to develop into a synced dir like Google Drive because Node and Gulp in action modify a lot of files. Is it really so bad?
Because with all this trouble with local dev to sync to work at any place, I came again to thinking that is easier to work on remote machine in staging environment.
I think I will give a try to Keep database synced between computers in Trellis/Bedrock/Sage setup
Thank you again for your good work and good support, I make all I can to promote / encourage others to support your work by paying for screencasts, buy the book and soil plugin and so on.