Letsencrypt "Already Registered!" errors

Similar to Let’s Encrypt Error, I am getting a handful of Let’s Encrypt errors when configuring a remote server. In my case, however, I’m using a root domain (example.com) instead of a subdomain.

Where it began

Originally, I created a droplet at DigitalOcean using a floating IP ( in the example below) pointing to my droplet ( When I ran the production playbook, I got the following error:

“Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains:”

TASK [letsencrypt : Notify of challenge failures] ******************************
failed: [] => (item={'_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': {'value': {u'repo_subtree_path': u'site', u'multisite': {u'enabled': False, u'subdomains': False}, u'env': {u'wp_home': u'https://example.com', u'db_name': u'example-com', u'wp_siteurl': u'https://example.com/wp', u'db_user': u'example_com'}, u'cache': {u'duration': u'1s', u'enabled': False}, u'repo': u'git@github.com:example/example.com.git', u'ssl': {u'enabled': True, u'provider': u'letsencrypt'}, u'local_path': u'../site', u'branch': u'master', u'site_hosts': [u'']}, 'key': u'example.com'}, u'changed': False, 'failed': True, u'rc': 1, 'invocation': {'module_name': u'test_challenges', u'module_args': {u'path': u'.well-known/acme-challenge', u'hosts': [u''], u'file': u'ping.txt'}}, u'failed_hosts': [u'']}) => {"failed": true, "item": {"_ansible_no_log": false, "changed": false, "failed": true, "failed_hosts": [""], "invocation": {"module_args": {"file": "ping.txt", "hosts": [""], "path": ".well-known/acme-challenge"}, "module_name": "test_challenges"}, "item": {"key": "example.com", "value": {"branch": "master", "cache": {"duration": "1s", "enabled": false}, "env": {"db_name": "example-com", "db_user": "example_com", "wp_home": "https://example.com", "wp_siteurl": "https://example.com/wp"}, "local_path": "../site", "multisite": {"enabled": false, "subdomains": false}, "repo": "git@github.com:example/example.com.git", "repo_subtree_path": "site", "site_hosts": [""], "ssl": {"enabled": true, "provider": "letsencrypt"}}}, "rc": 1}, "msg": "Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains: Let's Encrypt requires every domain/host be publicly accessible. Make sure that a valid DNS record exists for and that they point to this server's IP. If you don't want these domains in your SSL certificate, then remove them from `site_hosts`. See https://roots.io/trellis/docs/ssl for more details.\n"}

I thought it was likely due to having the floating IP in the site_hosts var. After that, I swapped out the floating ip for the host’s direct ip (, and subsequently got an “Already registered!” error:

“Error creating new authz :: Issuance for IP addresses not supported”

TASK [letsencrypt : Generate the initial certificate] **************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["./renew-certs.py"], "delta": "0:00:01.185172", "end": "2016-03-28 01:45:07.012716", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2016-03-28 01:45:05.827544", "stderr": "", "stdout": "Generating certificate for grantnorwood.com\nError while generating certificate for grantnorwood.com\nParsing account key...\nParsing CSR...\nRegistering account...\nAlready registered!\nVerifying\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 198, in <module>\n    main(sys.argv[1:])\n  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 194, in main\n    signed_crt = get_crt(args.account_key, args.csr, args.acme_dir, log=LOGGER, CA=args.ca)\n  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 104, in get_crt\n    raise ValueError(\"Error requesting challenges: {0} {1}\".format(code, result))\nValueError: Error requesting challenges: 400 {\"type\":\"urn:acme:error:malformed\",\"detail\":\"Error creating new authz :: Issuance for IP addresses not supported\",\"status\":400}", "stdout_lines": ["Generating certificate for grantnorwood.com", "Error while generating certificate for grantnorwood.com", "Parsing account key...", "Parsing CSR...", "Registering account...", "Already registered!", "Verifying", "Traceback (most recent call last):", "  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 198, in <module>", "    main(sys.argv[1:])", "  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 194, in main", "    signed_crt = get_crt(args.account_key, args.csr, args.acme_dir, log=LOGGER, CA=args.ca)", "  File \"/usr/local/letsencrypt/acme_tiny.py\", line 104, in get_crt", "    raise ValueError(\"Error requesting challenges: {0} {1}\".format(code, result))", "ValueError: Error requesting challenges: 400 {\"type\":\"urn:acme:error:malformed\",\"detail\":\"Error creating new authz :: Issuance for IP addresses not supported\",\"status\":400}"], "warnings": []}

After that, I used my root example.com domain name in site_hosts (as opposed to using an ip address), which leades to my recent error:

“Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains: example.com

TASK [letsencrypt : Notify of challenge failures] ******************************
failed: [example.com] => (item={'_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': {'value': {u'repo_subtree_path': u'site', u'multisite': {u'enabled': False, u'subdomains': False}, u'env': {u'wp_home': u'https://example.com', u'db_name': u'example-com', u'wp_siteurl': u'https://example.com/wp', u'db_user': u'example_com_user'}, u'cache': {u'duration': u'1s', u'enabled': False}, u'repo': u'git@github.com:example/example.com.git', u'ssl': {u'enabled': True, u'provider': u'letsencrypt'}, u'local_path': u'../site', u'branch': u'master', u'site_hosts': [u'example.com'], u'www_redirect': False}, 'key': u'example.com'}, u'changed': False, 'failed': True, u'rc': 1, 'invocation': {'module_name': u'test_challenges', u'module_args': {u'path': u'.well-known/acme-challenge', u'hosts': [u'example.com'], u'file': u'ping.txt'}}, u'failed_hosts': [u'example.com']}) => {"failed": true, "item": {"_ansible_no_log": false, "changed": false, "failed": true, "failed_hosts": ["example.com"], "invocation": {"module_args": {"file": "ping.txt", "hosts": ["example.com"], "path": ".well-known/acme-challenge"}, "module_name": "test_challenges"}, "item": {"key": "example.com", "value": {"branch": "master", "cache": {"duration": "1s", "enabled": false}, "env": {"db_name": "example-com", "db_user": "example_com_user", "wp_home": "https://example.com", "wp_siteurl": "https://example.com/wp"}, "local_path": "../site", "multisite": {"enabled": false, "subdomains": false}, "repo": "git@github.com:example/example.com.git", "repo_subtree_path": "site", "site_hosts": ["example.com"], "ssl": {"enabled": true, "provider": "letsencrypt"}, "www_redirect": false}}, "rc": 1}, "msg": "Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains: example.com. Let's Encrypt requires every domain/host be publicly accessible. Make sure that a valid DNS record exists for example.com and that they point to this server's IP. If you don't want these domains in your SSL certificate, then remove them from `site_hosts`. See https://roots.io/trellis/docs/ssl for more details.\n"}

I am able to re-configure using self-signed with no errors, but trying to configure with letsencrypt results in some sort of error each time I run the playbook, mostly including “Already registered!”

Also tried revoking the cert using letsencrypt revoke --cert-path example-cert.pem, which asked me for my email address as the passphrase, but then rejected it.

Do you think my issue is that my certificate for my example.com domain is already registered (perhaps incorrectly), and I need to successfully revoke it? Or maybe my configuration is simply wrong? I’m not quite sure when to use IP addresses or domain names in site_hosts, as I have several environments that are single-server, but also several in a load-balanced & clustered environment.

Let me know if you’d like me to test anything in particular, happy to help in case I’m not the only one encountering this. I’ve only been using Trellis for about 6 months, but the entire roots.io stack is truly fantastic, Scott!


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I think you should just use the domain in site_hosts. IP was removed from site_hosts about a year ago.

I haven’t set up load-balancing with Trellis, but I believe the place you would list your multiple servers is in hosts/production.

The most recent error you listed includes this at the end: "msg": "Could not access the challenge file for the hosts/domains: example.com. Let's Encrypt requires every domain/host be publicly accessible. Make sure that a valid DNS record exists for example.com and that they point to this server's IP."

Have you used a real domain name in site_hosts (not example.com) and set up corresponding DNS?

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IP addresses have always worked fine for me in site_hosts. However, trying to create a certificate against an IP with Let’s Encrypt is not allowed, which is why I am currently working with my domain name in site_hosts.

For now, this is a single server configuration, but I work on plenty of clustered applications so I’d appreciate some guidance on that.

And yes, I am using a real root domain name. Simply substituting example.com for simplicity.

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Potentially a compatibility issue with CloudFlare?

A good discussion about constraints and potentially having to purchase a paid plan from CloudFlare to use other authority’s certificates exists on another thread.

Bingo, using the free plan at CloudFlare was the issue. In order to use 3rd party certificates (including Let’s Encrypt), you must purchase the $200/mo business plan. (Not exactly a prudent price point for a blog.)

However, with CloudFlare’s SSL option set to “Full” or “Full Strict”, you can still get end-to-end encryption. CloudFlare forces users on lower plans must use their Comodo certificates on the front-end between CloudFlare and the user. So I simply used the “self-signed” option in my wordpress_sites.yml instead of “letsencrypt”. They support both self-signed and certs issued by a trusted authority (full strict mode), but either way get you end-to-end scrambling of your most important bits!
