If you’re looking for an example script that does the opposite of what’s in the post, going from development to production (useful during initial solo-dev), here’s sync-dev-to-prod-FOR-REAL.sh
read -r -p "Would you really like to reset THE PRODUCTION DATABASE and send up the latest from dev? [y/N] " response
if [[ $response =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]
wp @development db export - > sql-dump-development.sql
scp sql-dump-development.sql web@example.com:/srv/www/example.com/current
wp @production db export just-in-case.sql
wp @production db reset --yes
wp @production db import sql-dump-development.sql
wp @production search-replace https://example.dev http://example.com
scp -r web/app/uploads/ web@example.com:/srv/www/example.com/shared
exit 0