Major changes coming in version 8.0.0

Big changes ahead:

The Roots starter theme is now called Sage and we’re moving from Grunt to gulp.

We’ve also removed theme activation, added namespacing, and implemented a new workflow with wiredep and a JSON file based asset pipeline.


Heads up! PHP 5.4 is now a requirement. We’ve switched to using the short echo and short array syntaxes, see:


After 8.0.0, major work on the Yeoman generator (framework agnostic starter theme) will start.


Well damn, now what am I going to do with this nifty Roots t-shirt? I kid, I kid.

Looking forward to using this release. Is there anything that can be done to assist rollout?

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I see that we’re still including bootstrap?

Major work on the generator won’t begin until after 8.0.0

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why the name change?

Ever since Bedrock was introduced things got a little weird with branding, since Roots was no longer just a theme. Changing the name of the starter theme allows us to use the Roots name to refer to our organization, and also add more projects to the lineup.


With 8.0, do you have plans to update the screencasts at all?

Yes, there will be a new screencast that goes over the new workflow with gulp and Bower

Heads up! PHP 5.4 is now a requirement. We’ve switched to using the short echo and short array syntaxes, see:


In the Sage PHP templates files I presume?
So even though Wordpress itself requires PHP 5.2.4, if you want to keep using Sage as your theme, your webhosting should support PHP 5.4?

Yes, PHP 5.4 came out in March 2012 — it’s time to stop holding back.


Ok thanks, I understand

thanks, that makes sense!

Yes. I’d like to get an idea when the Sage will be agnostic on frontend frameworks. Any idea Ben?

Already answered that above:

Can’t wait for this! Thanks for all your hard work! :sunglasses:

any consideration for adding imagemin and pngcrush to the build script? someone did it on a port over of roots into a different starter theme and it seems like a good idea!

Already included :slight_smile: check out the gulp images task

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ah! thats awesome! i didn’t see a require statement for it so i missed that.

any intention of starting with a second base file that supports full width rows out of the box? (no container class)? i feel like its a redundant task i work on each time i pull a the latest version.