Major changes coming in version 8.0.0

If I wonna use grunt instead of gulp as previously7 Do you have and support branch with new release with grunt like alternative?

Not sure a second base file is necessary for that since you could use some simple styling:

.wrap.container {
  width: 100%;

I usually do something like add a body class of full on pages that need it

No. Why would you want to do that?

Congrats to everyone on the Roots team for this. I have been excited to try out the new release. Also very excited about checking out the framework agnostic release as it becomes ready. Thanks Roots!


not sure if i missed this anywhere, but is there any sort of ETA for when this will be a final release?

End of this month or early March. Aiming for this month.


I would prefer to have twitter bootstrap optionally included and sass as default css preprocessor.

  1. Remove Bootstrap from bower.json
  2. Follow instructions in main.sass.example
  3. Profit?

Should take you less than 30 seconds on 8.0.0.