New iMac installation - No Styles

I have just started working on a new ‘out of the box’ machine. had a few issues setting up grunt, but it seems to be working now. - however when create a fresh roots installation, it has no style at all. - ie it does not seem to be picking up any stylesheet. - checked it in numerous browsers and they are all the same - zero styling. - is it something i may have overlooked on a fresh install - I did check the 101 but can’t seem to find anything

Did you *follow the 101 and add define('WP_ENV', 'development'); to your wp-config.php?

yes that’s in the config file. - it just looks like this, I have no idea why

also now getting this npm WARN cannot run in wd roots@7.0.0 bower install

Sounds like it may be a permissions issue with MAMP. You should reset permissions, delete node_modules/ and run your npm install again.

Im running files via dropbox if that sheds any light - how do i reset permissions in MAMP? - sorry, Ive just looked that up, but thers no clear cut how to, - is it something I do inside Mamp Pro?

Gahh - Ive just noticed - brand new version. no wonder I am having issues - I’ll read the blog post - I was away when this was released and I am just getting back up and running again

Are you encountering 404s in your error console? If so can you verify that the files are actually present? If they are then it is most likely a permissions issue but I’m not familiar with running MAMP and hosting files on dropbox. You need to ensure your MAMP user has sufficient permissions to read the Dropbox files.

it works with all my previous local dev sites - im just starting to think its the new changes made to the roots theme that might be causing my issues? - just noticed the updated version and simpified bootstrap

It’s unlikely that it’s some amorphous fluke. You’ll need to go through some debugging steps like the ones I mentioned to figure out what’s going wrong.

But you’re not the only one with a Bower installation issue.

i have it working now. it seems once i put in one style it all loads properly

Check out some of Ben’s responses to a similar question that I had.