Page not found - after moved folder with project

Hi, here is Amater.
I moved folder with project to another subfolder in my localhost folder.
I changed config.json to “devUrl”: “http://localhost/portfolia/sage/

but after yarn start (and yarn build) i got in browser error page Not found
Can you help me, please?

We’ll need to know a lot more about your development environment in order to help with this. What operating system are you using? What is your development environment? Are you using Trellis? Does the site work when NOT running start?

Also please let us know what you’ve done to troubleshoot the issue yourself so that we’re not repeating anything you’ve already tried.

@MWDelaney sorry …

  • Windows 10
  • Only SAGE template in classic Wordpress
  • my localhost is on C:\localweb\

so, my old foldere structure:
everything OK

  1. I moved to subfolder AAA
  2. and I changed config.json to “devUrl”: “http://localhost/AAA/project_name/”
  3. yarn && yarn build

when I start watching yarn start - open browser and get error Page not found

It sounds like you moved the entirety of WordPress, not just Sage.

Does the WordPress installation work without yarn start running, or do you also get a 404 there?

My guess is that this is a WordPress and development environment config issue, not a Sage issue.

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Ok, thank you for you very quick help and good way!

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