Plugin "restricted site access" not compatible with sage?

Hi everyone!
Since the search did not give me anything I guess I’ll try a question here: I have been using the restricted site access ( plugin for lots of sites in development in the past and never had any trouble so far but it seems that sage seems to interfere with the way the plugin handles the access. Result: The site is not restricted to logged in editors anymore but available to everyone. Did anyone else encounter this as well? Which plugins are you using for easy lock down of prelaunch sites? I have tested this on various WP installs from 4.1.x to the current 4.3 and with 3 different gulp (not grunt) and SASS-Bootstrap installs (to give you an idea about the „currentness“).

Would be interested in your feedback and/or experiences. Thanks a lot!

Probably not compatible with the theme wrapper

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Are you using Bedrock too? Because it has to do with the /web/wp/wp-admin/ url. I also almost always use the security plugin iThemes Security, where you can change your login url into something else (for instance: /my-login-url/).
If you enter this custom url in your restricted site access options, it does work correctly!


In one instance I used bedrock as well. in the most current I did as well but „extracted“ the theme from it to see whether that was the cause of it. I have some of the ithemes stuff (Backupbuddy and Loopbuddy) but will look into it. Thanks for the advice!

Purchased the iThemes Plugin and it works like a charm now. Thanks @Twansparant.

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You’re welcome!
You didn’t have to purchase the plugin though, that option is also available in the ‘free’ version.

I think the problem lies with the disallow-indexing mu-plugin in Bedrock.
Try removing that and see if it works?
Both plugins are filtering the blog_public option.

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