Plugin Roots Rewrites Issues

Hi there,

I’m starting with Roots 7.0 now and I have an issue with the roots rewrites plugin. I hope my problem is not a spam category.

So if I’m going with version 1.0.0 than I’m getting errors because the add_filters() function is missing from roots 7.0.

Than I’ve tried to use the 1.0.1 version of the plugin. When I was turning it on at a first time it was working nicely. But if I’m saving the wordpress permalinks on the dashboard (flushing because of cpts etc…) it removes the roots rewrites part from the .htaccess file.

Is there somebody else with the same issue or a solution?



Certainly not spam worthy.

I haven’t checked my rework branch on Roots 7.0.0 yet, but will try to do so over the weekend.

Your quickest way to a solution would be to re-add the add_filters function though.

The problem is the add_filters function is already declared in the Soil plugin. Nobody else haveing this issue?

The Roots starter theme dropped the add_filters function a while back. If you have it declared twice (i.e. in Soil and the theme), then you need to delete one reference to it.