Posting Guidelines

Please read this before posting to the forum!

  1. Roots should not be your first WordPress theme.

  2. This forum only supports a Roots theme development workflow that utilizes a modern, command line workflow approach (i.e., Node, Bower, and Grunt or gulp).

  3. Keep posts related to issues with or questions about Roots (Roots/Sage themes, Bedrock, and Bedrock Ansible). General questions about WordPress, Bootstrap, WordPress plugins, or CSS/LESS/SASS may be deleted without warning.

  4. Posts containing questions answered in the Roots documentation, the Roots GitHub documentation, or existing discussion threads may be deleted without warning.

  5. Search the forum for your issue before posting.

  6. Search Google and Stack Overflow for your issue before posting.

  7. Perform basic troubleshooting before posting. This may include: switching themes to a default WordPress theme, deactivating plugins, commenting out code to localize the issue you’re experiencing, and attempting to resolve the issue yourself.

  8. State your problem clearly and include the steps to reproduce it along with any error messages you encounter and fixes you tried. Simply saying “my plugin/script/code doesn’t work” is not enough.

  9. Include full output that contains error messages, whether it’s from PHP, server logs, console errors, or terminal/shell errors. If you’re not encountering an error message anywhere then explain your setup and how you’re integrating and calling the problematic plugin/script/code.

  10. If your post demonstrates that you have not read the above and taken the appropriate actions to ensure a professional, comprehensive post, then your post may be deleted without warning.

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