Pre-requisites for Sage 10.x

Hi! I am having troubles installing Sage 10. I get a composer error: “Could not find package roots/sage with version 10.1.6 in a version installable using your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version.”

However there is not much documentation about what the pre-requisites for v10.x are, from the documentation.

I am using:
Composer 2.1.8
PHP 7.3
Lando 3.6.x, Bedrock WP: 5.8.1
(on Mac OS X 11.6 Big Sur)

It is in your composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": "^7.4|^8.0"

I could not get it all working with 7.x.

However, I now have upgraded the entire suite and everything is working fine –

lando 3.6.4
php 8.0.18
roots/bedrock 1.19.3
roots/wordpress 5.9.4
node 17.9.0
