If someone also needs a watch without Browsersync
You can just slightly edit
new ExtractTextPlugin({
filename: `styles/${assetsFilenames}.css`,
allChunks: true,
+ // disable: (config.enabled.watcher)
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
minimize: config.enabled.optimize,
+ // debug: config.enabled.watcher,
stats: { colors: true }
// and add comments to :
// if (config.enabled.watcher) {
// webpackConfig.entry = require('./util/addHotMiddleware')(webpackConfig.entry);
// webpackConfig = merge(webpackConfig, require('./webpack.config.watch'));
// }
After this watch will work without Browsersync start
I went further
Replaced config.enabled.watcher to my variable config.enabled.bsenable
// watch and Browsersync:
"start": "webpack --env.bsenable=true --hide-modules --watch --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js ",
// only watch
"build:watch": "webpack --watch --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js",
"build": "webpack --config resources/assets/build/webpack.config.js",
And I got what I wanted
Thanks to all