Sage 9 PostCSS plugins

Hi There,

is there anyone who has Sage 9 already working with LostGrid? I’m wondering how to configure things. I just added lost with yarn. add the plugin to my postcss.config.js

plugins: {
      lost: true,
      cssnano: options.enabled.optimize ? cssnanoConfig : false,
      autoprefixer: true,

but how do you configure the webpack.config.js??


That’s how you’d add it in Sage. There’s no need to touch the webpack config since postcss-loader is using postcss.config.js. Now, if you want to change some options for LostGrid, you would pass an options object instead of true. You would do it like this:

// postcss.config.js

const lostGridConfig = {
  // Options here

plugins: {
      lost: lostGridConfig,
      cssnano: options.enabled.optimize ? cssnanoConfig : false,
      autoprefixer: true,

thanks for your reply, I just configured it this way but unfortunately it still does not work.

I installed lost as an devdependency, adjust the postcss.config.js the way you showed me above , did a yarn build. but still get an error from my linter which says it does not recognize the lost properties.

You’ll need to add the properties LostGrid adds to the Stylelint config in package.json. This may be outdated — or just so good that it hasn’t needed an update in two years — but try this:

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This works!! awesome , thanks for your help!!

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Just a heads up: using @lost will give you trouble. All you need to avoid that trouble is add lost to the ignoreAtRules array in the stylelint config. After I shared this config, I thought it might be cool to make a Tailwind CSS stylelint config just to save time, but it seems that since Sage sets ignoreAtRules itself, it will completely override the config(s) it extends.

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Check , added , @lost does work properly now, merci beaucoup!

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