Sage 9 schedule?

What’s the latest on Sage 9?
Any dates for beta/release?
I’m making myself a Bootstrap free Sage starter, would much rather do it from Sage 9


bump… I’d like to know this too please :slightly_smiling:

The reason these types of posts don’t get answered timely or at all is because you could be waiting days, weeks or possibly months for the next major version.

Here’s a pull request for version 9 that was submitted December 19th and here we are three months later and it still hasn’t come out.

If you need to make something now or soon, it’s best to use version 8 for the time being (and I’d still consider it cutting edge and relevant because it was built by excellent WordPress theme programmers!)

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I am already working on my theme using Sage 8.
However even knowing it would be months would be information that is of interest to me and most likely others.

It was mentioned in the December, and Ben said "solved this issue in the upcoming sage 9 (more info soon)."
Which is why I put in the post, in case I had missed it somewhere.

For me its a case of… we’re forking the most recent version of Sage and making a few changes of our own in order to make what will be the starter theme for all our company’s wordpress projects for at least a few months before I sit down and ‘resync’ our fork with the latest Sage.

It’d be a complete waste of time if I did this now based on Sage 8 and Sage 9 came out tomorrow for example.

An approximate schedule would be extremely useful, even if it was heavily stressed that it was approximate, because I could make an informed decision as to whether to bother and I’d be surprised if someone from the core team couldn’t just easily say “It’s days away” vs. “It’s months away”.

Like @safetycat just said… even knowing that would be useful from where I’m sat.

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I searched for “sage 9 when” and this seemed to be the only one asking when it’s likely to drop that I could see…

There is no set date or schedule.

OK, thanks for letting us know @ben

@ben sorry to bring up an old post (403 days ago) , just wanted to know if anything has changed since your last response and if there is an schedule now.

I just checked the releases and beta 3 was released 8 days ago and there are only 8 open issues - does this mean release date is close?

I just don’t know if this is going to be similar to Bootstrap 4 release where Alpha was announced in 19 Aug 2015 and after nearly 2 years it is still in Alpha.

thanks again

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