Sage: Displaying images in assets / images folder

Default new Sage install, not referencing anything, am on front-page.php, just calling {{ asset_path() }}. But same happens on other pages :slight_smile:

Sounds like youā€™re actually in front-page.blade.php?

In your Blade templates, use the @asset directive instead of calling asset_path().

Check out the docs here:

BTW the docs have a new search field in the sidebar powered by Algolia, so finding references to things like this is much quicker nowā€“definitely encourage everyone to take advantage of it!


Nice!! Never used this before, awesome :slight_smile: Will check the new search as well, thank you.

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Related to asset_path(), thatā€™s why I did not open a new ticket: is there an option to check for file existence first? Similar to @includeif directive for example?

The use case is, we have certain video files that we put in a theme location and they are based on language, say video_en.mp4, video_es.mp4, video_fr.mp4 and so on ā€¦

What Iā€™d like to do is check for file existence and use default EN language file if the file does not exists.
I tried with PHPā€™s file_exists() but it returns false when I pass in my asset_path().

Thanks for any tips

Not as part of asset_path() no, I donā€™t believe so. You can check out the code behind it right here:

Iā€™ve never needed to determine existence of an asset, but I have needed to get the absolute path (i.e. for embedding SVGs), and I used the following technique:

// in /theme/config/assets.php add the following to the array:

'path' => get_theme_file_path().'/dist',

// in `app/helpers.php` add the following:

 * Get the absolute path to an asset.
 * @param string $asset
 * @return string
function locate_asset($asset)
    return trailingslashit(config('assets.path')) . sage('assets')->get($asset);

// Now you can do something like this:

 * Determine if asset exists.
 * @param string $asset
 * @return bool
function asset_exists($asset)
    return file_exists(locate_asset($asset));

thanks @alwaysblank :hugs: Unfortunately my file_exists still returns false every time even though the path is okay (using assets.uri instead of .path, probably Sage 9 differenceā€¦).

I needed to pass local path without the domain to file_exists ā€¦

So what works is:

Add to app/config/assets.php:

'relative_path' => get_theme_file_path().'/dist'

then use where you need to check for file existence (say, in one of the controllers):

$path = config('assets.relative_path') . '/videos/video_'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE.'.mp4';
if(file_exists($path)) {
    return asset_path('videos/video_'.ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE.'.mp4');
// here return a default video for example that you know exists for sure

I am running Sage 9 here with Tailwind 2.0 on a new project. So far all the background images Iā€™ve been using come from the /uploads folder via ACF. Some image tag files come from /uploads and /assets. Image backgrounds from assets are not showing up.

Iā€™ve just now attempted to use a background image via the assets folder:

.xbackground {
  background-image: url('../images/parallax-overlay.svg');

Which results in this:


Iā€™m assuming this has something to do with the Tailwind 2.0 setup with Sage 9 but Iā€™m not sure what it could be.

Check out this PR that updates webpack 3 to webpack 4 in Sage 9.x and fixes a ton of known issues, including yours (URL resolve):


How would one go about adding this to a project?

Iā€™m getting the [object Oblect] bug and need to fix it.

If you still need this, there is now a guide for installing the Sage 9.x update branch:

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