Sage, Gutenberg and ACF Blocks

Hi! I have this issue and I don’t know what to do to fix it. I am going crazy. :unamused:
I try change get_the_content() for {!! get_the_content() !!} in blade pages but not working.

On the frontpage show this but not render the block.

<!-- wp:acf/testimonial {
    "id": "block_5fb00bad09b7c",
    "name": "acf\/testimonial",
    "data": { ....

Can you help me?
I use ACFPro 5.9.3, SAGE 9 and WP 5.5.3

I found the solution a few days ago and forgot to comment. :sweat_smile:

I was including the rendercallback function in app/setup.php. I move the function to functions.php and it works fine

Getting som Fatal Errors… the weird thing is everything works fine locally, but AcfGutenblocks causes a Fatal Error when i deploy through ftp. Yes, I’ve tried both composer install --no-dev and running composer on server on both Sage and AcfGutenblocks, but no luck.

Any suggestions?

Link to a gist with the error:
Fatal Error Class App\Blocks\

Frequently when something works locally but not on production, it’s because your local filesystem is non-case-sensitive and your remote filesystem is case-sensitive. You should make sure git is configured for case-sensitivity and that your files have the correct cases.

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Ah! Thank you! Of course! For some reason I had my class-file as lowecase… :sweat_smile: I blame working 14,5 hours that day :see_no_evil:

I know this is an old post, but maybe you remember the problem and solution?

I have:

and getting “No block types exist” in ACF

I’m working on Sage 9 and the code seems to be working fine when ACF is working as a plugin and not included in the theme itself.

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I have an ACF Gutentberg block setup using the module you had created. It sets up ok, I am running into an issue where when I add the block in my page I cannot edit the fields.

My Code:
Title: Icon Card
Description: Customer testimonial
Category: formatting
Icon: admin-comments
Keywords: card
Mode: edit
Align: left
PostTypes: page post
SupportsMode: true
SupportsInnerBlocks: true
SupportsAlignContent: false
SupportsMultiple: false
$icon = get_field(‘icon’);

{!! get_field('card_description') !!}

Also having the same problem - everything working except being able to add data within blocks to pages - any suggestions on what to do to fix would be great…

I realized my issue. A field I created was called icon which there is a field in the settings for icon, which caused a conflict. In short do not use field names that are the same as what is used for the settings.

Thanks - this was really helpful - i had a similar problem - i think caused by testing some other methods for adding blocks - i ran a fresh install & it’s all working!

What version of sage did you end up at? And are you running Bootstrap? How is it working?

I’m using the latest version of sage with bootstrap. Really enjoying using it so far - i think it’s a nicer / more flexible interface for adding content and it’s a lot easier / faster to work with than flexible content fields. How about you?
Thanks @MWDelaney