Share knowledge -ansible

I would like to suggest an idea to organize Google Hangouts event where rockstars of bedrock ansible/bedrock/sage can show us neat tricks and cover a lot of questions that people might have such as:
1)What is your workflow/mindset for new website
2)How do you choose UX for new website
3)Any necessities that you also use which are not covered here
4)WP plugins MUST have
5)any other cool plugins
6)run 10-20 dev envs with vagrant having only 1 Vagrant file with multiple group_vars
7)Hosting envrionement tricks
Anything that we should know to become better developers. Lets have this sharing session.

What do you think?
Any interested people please reply so we can estimate how many people can potentially be there.
I think it will be cool to record it/put on youtube for future reference to other developers.