Soil Multisite

I’m trying to use soil in a multisite environment (using a roots based theme called shoestrap) but I can’t get it to work.

I have installed the plugin and added:


to the theme’s functions.php - but no luck.

I have also tried changing/refreshing permalink.

Could anybody help me with a few pointers to get this working please?

Thank you.

Have you tried these instructions?

Thanks for quick reply.

I have tried adding the theme_support code to lib/config.php with the same results (nothing).

Is there a problem with using soil in a multisite envirnment that you know of?

Thanks again.

No, everything should work.

Did you try to see if any of the features are working? Try doing a regular WP search, Example Domain, and see if it gets redirected to

Hi Benword,

Thanks for the input, it’s appreciated.

The search DOES get redirected correctly when adding:


so it IS working.

However, when I try get get root relative URL’s or the head clean up working, it isn’t.

My multisite setups are currently in sub directories of the main domain, would this be the cause?

Any help in getting Soil functioning fully would be great, thanks.

I just tested on a project that has a pretty big multisite network - clean up and root relative URLs are both working as expected.

Root relative URLs won’t work if your server doesn’t have a hostname. That means that if you access your site on a URL like that relative URLs are disabled.

Clean up should definitely be working though. Are you seeing <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.1" /> in your <head>?

Hi again, thanks for taking the time with this for me.

It appears that the Shoestrap theme I’m using (Roots based) already does some of the features that Soil does and using the two might be causing issues for me.

I’m going to do some further testing with/without soil, make a few posts over on the Shoestrap forum and then post back here with any issues to make sure I’m doing everything correctly to save wasting any more of your time.

Thank you again for taking time out to help me.