Static navigation

Hi guys,

I’m trying to get the static-navigation bar as in the example provided here:

Is it possible with roots, in any easy way?
I know I can diable the add_theme_support(‘bootstrap-top-navbar’); - but that will make it look very different:

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Lucas Rolff

The default top navbar in Roots is using the static example that you linked. Did you mean to ask how to implement the fixed top nav?

The default one I see, is the one that is fixed to the top of the browser.

Not the one called ‘static’. - this is the one I have default when I download roots (in the correct color for sure)

What I would like to have is this:

Well, you said “static” so I thought you meant the one called static top. Static top is the one that’s at the top of the browser but not with a fixed position, and it’s what the Roots default is (see

All you need to do is update the navbar template markup to match what you see in the Bootstrap docs.

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Thanks a lot!
Sorry for the super late reply, had a small holiday, with no access to the interwebs!
But seems like all is sorted out now.

Thanks for a awesome base theme for WordPress!
I’ve been using roots for long time, but since the base-* and templating got implemented, it has been harder to learn, maybe I haven’t looked too much at it :frowning: But other than that, It’s fast and super cool.

Thanks Ben!