To deploy a second site

Hi, I’m trying to deploy a second site to a second domain at a Digital Ocean droplet.

The first step is to add second host to hosts/production:



Then, I should setup server running ansible-playbook -i hosts/production server.yml --ask-become-pass

Is it right?

But, when I did it, I got an error. This is the terminal output:

TASK: [common | Update Apt] *************************************************** 
failed: [] => {"failed": true}
msg: Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation
ok: []

Then, if I try to deploy, playbook try to deploy to the wrong server:

TASK: [deploy | Move project subtree into root folder] ************************ 
failed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "mv /srv/www/* /srv/www/", "delta": "0:00:00.027012", "end": "2015-11-08 12:01:44.563527", "rc": 1, "start": "2015-11-08 12:01:44.536515", "warnings": []}

Any clue will be appreciated

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I’m guessing you are trying to host the two domains on a single DO droplet. If you’re actually trying to host the domains on separate droplets, disregard this entire reply.

The hosts/production file should have only one entry per droplet (i.e., per VPS). When your droplet will have multiple sites/domains, you must use a single generic entry for the droplet in your hosts/production file. The simplest is to use the droplet IP.



After making that change, you will need to run server.yml. The playbook will connect to that single IP and loop over the sites listed in wordpress_sites, setting up WordPress for each site. Then the server will be ready for you to deploy the new site using deploy.yml.


Thank you again!

I did it. I got an error at deploy (I did a rollback command and deploy again with same results):

TASK: [deploy | Move project subtree into root folder] ************************ 
failed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "mv /srv/www/* /srv/www/", "delta": "0:00:00.009846", "end": "2015-11-08 17:27:34.717080", "rc": 1, "start": "2015-11-08 17:27:34.707234", "warnings": []}
stderr: mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file
mv: ‘/srv/www/’ and ‘/srv/www/’ are the same file

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
           to retry, use: --limit @/Users/aitor/deploy.retry             : ok=8    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1

Could you tell us what your wordpress_sites has for subtree_path? I’m guessing you have something like this:

subtree_path: /

If that’s what you have, and you haven’t adjusted your project structure to be like the example project, you can just comment out subtree_path for both your sites, then redeploy. It is commented out by default.

Trellis has some checks in place to handle trouble with subtree_path, but I think it probably doesn’t currently handle the scenario of subtree_path: /, which may cause the problem you’re having.

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It works! :smiley:

In fact, I had nothing at subtree_path. I deleted “site” from previous configuration and it was empty. Commenting line, everything works.

A final related question: If I want to deploy one of the sites to prodution to another server, outside my DO droplet, how should be the hosts/production file?

Thanks a lot.

Goal. Site-1 on server-1, site-2 on server-2.

Trellis defaults. The Trellis default is to put all sites for an environment (e.g., all sites listed in group_vars/production/wordpress_sites.yml) on all servers listed in the hosts file (aka “inventory file”) for that environment (e.g., hosts/production). As discussed above, you can easily put multiple sites on a single server just by adding multiple sites to the wordpress_sites list. If you happen to list multiple server IPs in hosts/production, that would be a step toward setting up some kind of load-balancing, where all sites are being served from all servers (oversimplification).

Those Trellis defaults don’t accommodate the scenario you asked about: “site-1 on server-1 and site-2 on server-2”. Some customization would be required. I’ll list some options that come to mind and others can critique or expand on them. UNTESTED.

Option 1: Use a second Trellis project

Attitude: “For this project, I can’t spend much time tinkering. I’ll choose the most hassle-free approach to my goal, even if it is not particularly DRY.”

You could just leave your first Trellis project for site-1 on server-1, then create another Trellis project (separate code, etc.) for site-2 on server-2. I think that is perfectly respectable and will be reasonably easy to maintain.

Option 2: Add the two IPs to your hosts file but only deploy one site to each (bad hack)

Attitude: “I’m willing to tinker, but this time I’ll go with a shortcut instead of understanding. I’ve got a hack that appears to work and I’m unconcerned about unintended consequences that may bite me in the future.”

I discourage this approach, but it might work. You could stick with a single Trellis project but add the IPs for server-1 and server-2 to your hosts/production and run server.yml. That would provision the two servers so they are ready to receive a deployment of either site. Then, only deploy site-1 to server-1 and only deploy site-2 to server-2. I wouldn’t do this. I mentioned it only to provide a little more perspective on what the various hosts files and playbook files are doing.

Option 3: Use Ansible’s host_vars

Attitude: “I’m willing to tinker and I’m committed to understanding and finding an appropriate implementation for my slightly different use-case. I understand this will be more work to apply updates from the Trellis upstream to my customized fork, but I’m comfortable with having my fingers in the code.”

To achieve “site-1 on server-1 and site-2 on server-2” you need the wordpress_sites list to differ per server/host. You can use Ansible’s host_vars in two steps.

Step 1. Adjust hosts/production

site-1 ansible_ssh_host=site.1.server.ip
site-2 ansible_ssh_host=site.2.server.ip


Step 2. Add a new host_vars directory at Trellis root (e.g., next to group_vars directory):


Those two .yml files are copies of wordpress_sites, each with only the site info for the given site. You could also structure it with directories per site if you want:


Once you have that set up, you don’t need to change your ansible-playbook commands at all. Things should work as normal. You may want to edit group_vars/production/wordpress_sites.yml with a note to yourself that wordpress_sites values are actually being drawn from the host_vars files.

UNTESTED. Would love to hear if it works for you.

EDIT. The host_vars in option 3 above makes no distinction between environments (e.g., staging vs. production). Perhaps there’s an easy way to address this next level of complexity, but I haven’t explored it yet.


Thanks for this ordered and explained list of options. I think, I should stay at a low level of complexity. So, option 1 seems more fit to my knowledge level (really I’m not a developer. I’m old school designer). Option 3 seems interesting, flexible, and not WET, but I can get in troubles easily. Maybe later, with a little more consolidated knowledge.

Thank you again for all the help.