Trellis provisioning breaks DNS in docker

I think the ferm firewall system must be the culprit here. But for now, one workaround could be to update the resolv.conf file. Here’s how I’m doing that:

  1. In trellis/dev.yml, add a new ‘dns’ role, and add it before the ‘common’ role:
    - { role: dns, tags: [dns] }
    - { role: common, tags: [common] }

then set up that role with a task that updates the resolv.conf file:

mkdir -p trellis/roles/dns/tasks
cat > trellis/roles/dns/tasks/main.yml
- name: Add public nameserver to resolv.conf
  shell: echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

Now if we run vagrant up --provision (or , then vagrant ssh then curl -I it should be able to resolve that name. Since I was doing this on a new box with lots of attempts, I used vagrant destroy and then trellis up to test it from a clean slate.

Note: Docker apparently tries to prevent against changes to the resolv.conf in the container (it should instead be done in the image), so Ansible’s lineinfile module which internally copies a file over another file does not work - Docker throws an error if you try something like this instead of using the shell command as I did above:

 - name: Add public nameserver to resolv.conf
     path: /etc/resolv.conf
     line: "nameserver"

^ does not work

I also tried this but it didn’t change the file either… perhaps something to do with the shell redirection not working via Ansible -

- name: Add public nameserver to resolv.conf
  command: echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

Note also, should work universally - it is Cloudflare’s DNS