Turn off caching while working with Bedrock-Ansible

After a few hours of frustration on why Nginx keep caching my css files I finally found the answer, it turns out that you have to turn sendfile off; in the Nginx.conf (more info if you are interested). I think the easiest way fixing this while working in production on your local machine, is to use Vagrant SSH and edit Nginx.conf with Nano or something of the sort. To turn the option back on, simply reprovision your server or turn the option on again through SSH. We should maybe turn off Sendfile by default, this seems like the path many Vagrant based projects projects have taken.

Can’t believe we haven’t run into that issue before. We use Vagrant for roots.io dev and it’s been fine.

Just toggled it off in development by default: https://github.com/roots/bedrock-ansible/commit/afff9a32138a970d1bcc29f4bad08a42e736cc7f