Unable to run a gulp build


I am using Sage 8.1.1 and unable to successfully run gulp Build. Do you have any recommendations?

Steps taken:

Installed Brew, NVM, Gulp, Bower – all working fine.
Could build fonts, images, scripts using ‘npm build’
Manually edited bower.json to use modernizr v3.3.1
Could start build but fails on the following:

MacBook-Pro:modernizr icewater$ gulp
[21:30:38] Working directory changed to ~/majors/Freelance/Intelligence LA/Sincerely Jules/Backups/SJ Backup Temp/wp-content/themes/jules
[21:30:38] Using gulpfile ~/majors/Freelance/Intelligence LA/Sincerely Jules/Backups/SJ Backup Temp/wp-content/themes/jules/gulpfile.js
[21:30:38] Starting ‘clean’…
[21:30:38] Finished ‘clean’ after 22 ms
[21:30:38] Starting ‘default’…
[21:30:38] Starting ‘build’…
[21:30:38] Starting ‘wiredep’…
[21:30:38] Finished ‘default’ after 114 ms
[21:30:38] Finished ‘wiredep’ after 163 ms
[21:30:38] Starting ‘styles’…
Error: style declaration must contain a value
on line 7404 of assets/styles/editor-style.css

margin-bottom: ;

Error: style declaration must contain a value
on line 7404 of assets/styles/main.css

margin-bottom: ;

[21:30:42] Finished ‘styles’ after 3.48 s
[21:30:42] Starting ‘jshint’…
[21:30:42] Finished ‘jshint’ after 348 ms
[21:30:42] Starting ‘scripts’…
[21:30:45] Finished ‘scripts’ after 2.66 s
[21:30:45] Starting ‘fonts’…
[21:30:45] Starting ‘images’…
[21:30:45] Finished ‘fonts’ after 583 ms
[21:30:48] gulp-imagemin: Minified 46 images (saved 216.3 kB - 15.8%)
[21:30:48] Finished ‘images’ after 2.77 s
[21:30:48] Finished ‘build’ after 9.43 s

Just read the output, it tells you exactly what the problem is :slight_smile:

Error: style declaration must contain a value